Schools can raise money and win money!
Schools can use the Colfax Marathon to both raise money and win money. You can be creative on how you want your school involved.
RAISE MONEY – Runners (and friends) raise pledges – your school keeps 100% of the money raised. To get started, have your school join the Charity Partners Program.
WIN MONEY – Teams of teachers from the same school can win one of ten-$1000 awards for your school. Read below for additional ways to win even more money!

Raise Money (and keep 100%)
The Schools-as-Charity-Partners Program is part of the Colfax Marathon Charity Partners Program. Our intent is to help you achieve a maximum amount of funds. Your school will keep 100% of the money raised whether it is for a classroom trip, a new playground, or extra-curricular programs, with the added benefit of promoting personal fitness to students, their families, faculty and staff. We can help you achieve your goals, and have a great time doing it!
The first step to become a Charity Partner is to attend an introductory meeting. Click here for more information.

How To Get Started
- Contact us for more information (charitypartner@runcolfax.org).
- If the program is a good fit for your school, sign the agreement (it’s free!).
- Encourage teachers, family, friends, students to register for one of our races.
- Runners (& friends) raise pledges. Your school keeps 100% of what you raise.

Teams of Teachers can Win Money
- Win one of ten $1000 awards for your school.
- Be one of the 10 fastest relay teams of school staff and teachers.
- All public Colorado schools (K-12) including charter schools are eligible.
- Relay teams must have five teachers/staff from the same school. Option – up to 2 of the 5 runners can be district admin or family of your school’s staff. Teams can be male, female or coed. Fun fact – most relay teams in this division are coed or female. Each relay runner will run 4 to 6+ miles.
- Simply choose “Government Public Schools” when registering.
- (Teams with students are in the Open Division, not this division, as students are not employees)

Win Even More Money
- To be eligible your school must be a School Charity Partner (see “Raise Money” above) and must have at least 20 runners on Sunday.
- Winning relay teams can pick your school to receive their prize money
- Teams of Teachers/Staff from the same school district. Awards are $2500 to $1000 in the Government Employee Division – 1st-4th (male, female, coed teams). Relay teams of 5 runners of district employees, teachers, school board (up to 2 runners of the 5 can be family members of staff).
- Teams of anyone – i.e.: students, family, friends, staff, corporate, etc.! Awards are $2500 to $750 in the Open and Corporate Divisions. Must have 5 runners on relay team.
Contact charitypartner@runcolfax.org